Monday, May 18, 2009

Trybe - YOU CAN DO IT!!!


Today was quite normal, besides a few things...

Before I talk about the YOU CAN DO IT programme, there was this thing that happened this morning...

As usual, I alighted from the school bus and headed for the classroom, then while passing through the canteen, I noticed Clifford waiting for me to come and unlock the class door. So, we just climbed up the stairs to the class.

Here comes that thing.

When we reached the classroom, we noticed a gigantic moth with a wingspan of about 30-40cm. We thought that it was someone who put it there for fun just to scare me. But I was wrong.

So, I reached towards the door and put the key through the key slot. THEN, due to the vibration of the key entering the key slot, the gigantic moth flapped its wings in front of me with only 5cm from my face. I jumped backwards, and almost hitting Clifford. We quickly ran towards the front door, I unlocked it and ran inside. It was freaking scary. Well, there is not really anything scary but I just got shocked. Imagine, a moth with wings larger than a small bird flapping its wings just 5cm in front of your face. That will certainly shock people.

So what happened to the moth?

The hot-tempered Cleaner came to unlock the other classes when he noticed the big moth. So, He just whacked the moth on his wing and it flew away, to the metal wall thingy next to the ceiling. But we noticed that it could not fly properly from then on.

That was the Largest Moth I've ever seen.

Ok, back to the main part of this post.

Firstly, we went to the auditorium to have some talk about "What the Heck is Trybe?".

Then they Presented us with this I would call, a rather lame vid.

Ok, I would normally say enjoy but in this case, just watch it.

Then they called up for volunteers.

First volunteer. A fat Indian Kid from 2B. (Er... I forgot what he did, well, i think I wasn't that significant.) Next, Gill was called. He just needed to unscramble the letters on the ppt slide. It was Trybe's Vision. "Every Youth a Success Story". Then, they talked about some other stuff about themselves and saying that "YOU MUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF" and other stuff like that. And They got movie vouchers just for that. How easy is that?

And the Last volunteer was me. I was Partially sabooed.

"Okay, "Said the speaker."Last volunteer for today and we can go back to class for your other activities."

"What is it this time" I thought.

"This volunteer must have 2 qualities"

"He must have a loud voice"

"URM... Okay..." I sunk in my chair...

"Ahem... Jon???!!!" Some of those ******** called me.

"AND, he must be able to act well."

"CRAP... Shit...****" I was about to hide under my chair.

Then some ******* pulled me up. And everyone, ESPECIALLY A WHITE POLAR BEAR, "Cheered" me on. I had no choice as I was standing.

"Lets welcome , er Jonathan right? Yeah! Lets give him a round of a applause"

"****" I thought.

So I went down.


So the person gave me a mike and asked me to help he and his friend to act a really short skit out. Then, He noticed that I was moving back and forth. So he asked "you want to dance?" "Wooo!!!!!" Went the sabooing crowd. The Me and the speaker saw The polar bear gave the thumbs up. "See, Your friend is soo supportive" Basket. So, I replied "My friend there, ah, the WHITEST of all, is a pro dancer, he can dance better than me. I think he wants to come up." Haha, IN YOUR FACE. So enough of crap and I dumped the mike, as I have a loud voice. So the scenario was like my supposedly best friend failed his maths terribly and his GF dumped him. So, using my pro acting skills I acted it out. Then, I got 2 boxes of Chipsmore and 2 Burger King $5 Voucher. Yeah. Not bad for a volunteer.

Then back to class there was this DISC thingy. It is meant to identify your personal strengths. So D is Direct, I is Influential, S is (er..., I 4got) and C is Carful. I am a D person and there were only 4 D ppl. There were a hell of Is (and White got 40/40 for the I test. Of course lah. SO white. of course it is influential.) and Cs. Not Many Ss. Then, there was an unfair quiz and lame prizes.

Well, Overall the Programme was good. Besides the fact that I accidentally dropped my prize hamburger on my pants... and they got mayo on them... yuck... (DONT THINK SICK).

Oh yeah, remember the Lit vid I did from the ealier post? Yeah, Me and Francis got thrid highest in the whole class for that. WOO HOO. And we even best Mustaqim who was a techno geek. Yeah! I Owned you!

Well I was ok today. Hope that I can get good grades for this SA... Hopefully...

Thursday, May 14, 2009







I'm shouting random stuff. Because the SA1's over!!!

That's the reason why this blog is dead!!!

Ok. enough of random stuff. I apologize to all my fellow readers who have been following this blog. Now, I shall talk about that horrible SA.

04/05/2009 - English Paper 1 (Composition + Formal Letter)
Easy. Piece of cake. But surprisingly, my letter is longer that my compo...

05/05/2009 - Geography
Tough. Due to all that project spam the week before, I didn't had time to revise. Did some midnight oil the night before. At least I can Ace for the SEQ. And with so little time I only did 6 out of 15 questions of Mapwork. but at least I'm better that That... THAT... THAT UNSPEAKABLE... MUT (note: he only did 2 out of 15 questions).

06/05/2009 - MT Paper 1 + 3 (P1 - composition + informal Letter, P3 - Listening Comprehension)
Not that hard as Chinese is one of my strong subjects. For the Letter, I wrote about 1 page (front and back) and my compo was about mothers day and I wrote about 2 pages.

07/05/2009 - Science (Physics + Biology)
Medium Hard. Physics is one of my strong subjects, but however on that day, the PHYSICS WAS TERRIBLY HARD. and my friends said it was easy. What is wrong with me these days... I am deproving!!! Maybe it is the influence of That... THAT... THAT UNSPEAKABLE... MUT!!! I really must get away from some people... oh yeah! and Bio was easy.

08/05/2009 - Elementary Mathematics (P1 + P2)
HARD. Paper 1 was easy but Paper 2 is hard. THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF that ****** ***** ***. *** IS THE WORST TEACHER I'VE EVER KNOWN AND SHE SHOULD NOT BE IN VS!!!

12/05/2009 - English Paper 2 (Comprehension + Summury)
Medium. Comprehension was kind of easy to understand and answer besides a few questions. Summury was ok and I was only out be 5 words.

13/05/2009 - Literature (English)
Medium. Gonna fail poetry. Macbeth still ok.

14/05/2009 - Chinese Paper 2
EASY. NO SENTENCE CONTRUCTION! I GET A1 LIAO. IN UR FACE WHITE (and white, I dun mean it. I just wanted to say that. Lol.)

So overall = can get some A1s and afew A2s. maybe even 1 B3. Luckily got projects so can help push up the marks.

Ok. I am going off to play my new X-Men Origins Wolverine on Wii!!!