Friday, October 16, 2009

The Boomza boomz

Hi guys.

The English paper has just passed and i screwed up the summary. I am going to be the last in class for summary. I know it. And i feel it.

Nvm. Anyway. I went to wheelock place today to collect my snow leapard OS X 10.6 from the apple store. And boy went i got home it was freakin easy to install. A few clicks and your done. All you have to do it wait for about one hour. After the installation, I rebooted my Macbook. Boy. It was faster. It normally took like, about 30 sce to start up, now, it only takes in between 15 to 18 seconds for it to start up! Also, it now takes only 3 seconds to shut down. That is faster that the usual 20 seconds. There's also a new quick time player which looks sleeker can edit and trim videos. cool. and the expose is nicer and better too.

Ok. enough of specs. Guess why this post is named The Boomza boomz? Look at the following picture. I found it 5 shops away from the apple store.

All Hail Riz Low.

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