Saturday, October 31, 2009

ME? COS???

Hey guys.

Ok, I know I took a long break from blogging. I just created my facebook account about 9 days ago and got hooked onto Mafia Wars and Icy Towers.

And Yeah. Although I did not do very well for SA2, I'm still surprised that I still can get top 20 in class and top 70 in school. And there is a calculation error with my marks which means that I will go higher.

Yeah Man!!!

Yeap. And today guessed what happened. I was COS (the guy who controls the company when the CSM or Chairman is not around) for today. What happened today was that all the sec threes are going for founder's man (the highest honour in BB) assessment and the only sec three who is not going poned today's parade. So, being the next most senior, the sec 2s are the NCO for the day. OMG. TOTAL CHAOS. But then, officer said " Who is going to handle today's Master Parade?" Then, being the Best recruit, everyone saboed me and so I became the COS of the day. And boy, was it fun.

Just let me summarize that the day when I was in charge, the whole company actually listened to me and I pumped a number of people.

Yeap. And another year has passed. I dunno why but I feel rather 'sentimental'. I like, dunno what to feel. I like this class... besides a few people... and i know that argh! nvm...

Lets hope that we'll keep in touch. Or maybe...

Oh Yeah. And farewell to the best Chinese teacher in school: Laurens Chung!!! Hope that we'll meet someday again.

Yeap. Next year it's a new year and more challenges and obstacles to overcome. And when we take the role of NCO, PSL, JL and etc, I hope that we'll do a good job.

Will post soon.

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