Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Exams and Spoilt stuff...

Hi guys.

Yep. Time flies. Next Friday is already my English SA2 Paper 1!!!

And with no more projects in the way, I can finally revise!!! And here's my study plan for the next week.


Revise for home econs test.




Practice English Summary (My summary skills suck) and revise physics


Practice Maths and revise Bio!!!


Revise chinese by chionging ci yu biao for every ke and revise for chem.


Practice a bit more history skills.

And the rest of the dates are pretty much on testing myself... on everything.

And yeah... coming to the spoilt part...

Ok. Today was... erm... I would call, "Everything ka-boom" day.

I can't believe that all happened IN ONE FREAKIN DAY...

First. yesterday my laptop charger spoil. Dad just came back from wheelock place to buy a new one for me today.

THEN. during the afternoon today, the washing machine made a big "BANG BOOM" sound and the whole house short circuit and just nice I was using com. And I cannot use my laptop cause got no bat... The washing machine was spoilt and my mum just called up and ordered a washing machine she always wanted.

Nvm. So we turn off the washing machine plug and went back to normal work. BUT THEN... the iron also stopped working and another "boom" was heard. So, my dad is going to have crumpled clothes to work tomorrow.

Nvm. I continued my revision of Home ec and guessed what happened. One of our fans went "Psst..." and it stopped turning. I was like WTFWTHWTFWTH!!!!

Nvm. must tahan a bit of hotness. BUT GUESS WHAT WENT BOOM. At night, the living room lights. So... must use the bedroom lights for the moment.

And now... as I am typing this post, I can hear my air-con making strange sounds. I prepared a fan just in-case my air-con is the next thing to go "ka-boom"

At least new things are coming next week. At least some new stuff.

KK. This should be the last post before exam... will post.... erm... later...

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