Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Teacher's day!

Yesterday was teacher's day. And boy was it fun.


1) A HELL LOT of people forgetting to bring their ties. Probably enough to fill 2 classrooms.

2) About to sing the national anthem when the band screwed up badly. They started off on an uneven pace then the sound died down. After that the tempo was increased by like x3/x4.

3) It was a Monday and we were supposed to sing the Victorian anthem. Then the prefect said " school stand at ease". Yay. Then after the dumb prefect corrected himself but faced in the wrong direction. Dumbass.

4) Maran got pissed.

Present giving time

1) I got a present for everyone except for Windows Live Messenger, Tan Chong Kiat and Mr Denny Aw Yong. Reasons - WLM - obvious, Tan Chong Kiat - forgot, Mr Denny Aw Yong - couldn't find anything suitable. And Me, Darren Tan, Gan , and ting tong bought Chung a fan.

2) Mus bought a cucumber Specially for Mdm Nabilah. Erm... I don't think it would be appropriate to elaborate and explain why here. Then, gave Ms Raksha a Vegetarian Cookbook and a... cucumber. She screamed.

3) Passed the last cucumber to Munir.

4) They went back to class while I started giving the rest of the presents.

5) Gave Munir 2 newpaper balls.

Hall Celebration

1) Most of the people came early. Don't want to piss maran off further.

2) Started with a Speech by VP - as always.

3) Ziyad and er... some NCC Prefect emcee again.

4) Some random 2I guy sang a song, guitar too loud and cannot hear singing.

5) Prefects "tried" to do thriller, but "failed". Turns out to be getting teachers to dance on stage.

Team A - David Lee - aka fat blob of random but look cool dancing.

Mr Siow

Result - David lee pwned Mr Siow
Mr Tan did some random snake-cat dance, Munir shy dun wan dance. Mr Tan won.

Overall - David Lee pwned.

6) Guess which teacher's children are these? - Only showed 2/9 of Nabilah's children. so sad.

7) Guess the baby/child photo of teacher. - SAW WLM'S BABY PHOTO.

8) Break - with PSLs singing no boundaries!!! but cannot hear even though there were about like 2-3 mikes.

9) Back to quiz. saw Zabid's young boy photo. damn chubby.

10) end off

Back to Primary School

1) Me, Kayne and Ming Ren took 55 to Eunos MRT and took it to Tiong Bahru.

2) Met up with Jia Wei and Daryl at Mac's

3) Hitched a ride on Daryl's Dad's Car back to RVPS. Reach there about 12:30pm

4) Sercurity guard bastard us and asked us to come back at 1:30pm. Freak.

5) Went to Great World. Met up with Ryan there.

6) We bought a card for Ms lee, the best Maths teacher in the whole world.

7) went to eat at Toast box - bo pian... the rest of the restaurants so ex...

8) Chatted and wrote our messages in the card.

9) Returned to RV at about 1:15pm

10) Met up with Yi Ming.

11) Saw the girls... walao... they still have the heart to come back... and WOW... i'm taller than them... omg... But i'm still the shortest of all the boys...

12) OMFG. JUN HONG. THAT HYPERACTIVE BAS**** WHO COSTED ME MY PREFECT TIE (yeah i noe... i was a senior prefect...) SO MANY TIMES, THAT UNGRATEFUL ************************************************************************* STILL COME BACK!!! WTF!!! initially I thought he was gonna bastard me like shit. but it turns out that he matured quite alot... maybe I should get back to my once mature self...

13) Met Ms Lee, she started guessing all our names. I was one of the few names that she remembered!!! Yay!!!

14) Gave her the card and went home. Gotta rush art proj.

End of day.

My Birthday's comin... gotta watch out...

See ya... will post soon

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