Monday, September 21, 2009


Hi guys.

I know I' havent posted, yeah... got lots of stuff to do.

Freakin tired.

Here's a section of my to do list

1) Gotta rush Cambodia trip PPT

2) Gotta mug for Triple Science Practical Exam tomorrow.

3) Gotta Chiong Art proj ( left a minor scene and fine tuning)



and much more.

Yesterday I took a break after meeting up with officer guo feng for the cambodia trip thingy and went to my friend's house. My mum also cam along and we had dinner at ion. And I had to say that not all the food there are very good. And I found a high class burger king. lol.

I also got a new ipod touch and a new nokia xpress music 5530 for my bday ( i know... update very late) from my parents. So glad. (If you ask me why my dad didnt buy an iphone, its because there was a discount for upgrading my mac OS to snow leapord if he bought and ipod touch. only 38. kinda cheap.) yeah. Got loads of games for my ipod... yeah...

Sigh... looking back at the calander... Its so fast, another year past. 2 years passed since Pri school, another 3 months and 2 weeks left to sec 3, and another year to O level... a few more weeks and some ppl will be going IP. I'd think I better become more mature and also treasure every moment I have... ARGH!!! MUST GO BACK MUGGING.

Will post soon!

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